Thursday, July 16, 2009

Why Can't I Send Resources To The Miracles? And Other Common Questions

This is to help people that don't know much about the alliance =)

1-Why can't I send resources to the miracles?
A-Sadly, to send resources to the miracles, you need to have been in the alliance for at least 3 days.

2-How can I send resources to the miracle?
A-When you are able to send the resources, you will need a fleet of cargo ships in order to load them and send them to the miracles. Here, I'll put some screenshots on how to do it (click on the words):
First Step
Second Step
Third Step
Fourth Step
Fifth and Final Step

3-Why do I need to send my precious resources to the miracles? XDD
A-In order to level it up. The bonuses miracles give helps all of the alliance members. =)

4-Screw You!! I don't want to send resources to the miracle, what are you going to do about it??!
A-I'll use all my might to CRUSH YOU!! jk jk, xDD The answer is: Nothing, I'll do nothing, but depending on how many resources you send, your rank may go up and/or down. =)

~~I'll add more useful questions in the future.=)~~

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