Friday, August 14, 2009

About Miracle Villages

Miracle Effects
A Holy Miracle increases the Army's offensive force.
A Devil Miracle increases the Army's defensive force.
A Light Miracle increases members' resources production speed.
A Shadow Miracle increases members' parts/ships production speed.

Each Alliance can have a maximum of 4 Miracles. After the first Miracle reaches Level 5, you can build a second one. When the two Miracles reach Level 10, you can build the third one. When the three Miracles reach Level 20, you can build the fourth Miracle.

Miracle Attacks
Other hostile Alliances can attack or rob the Miracle being upgraded. If the enemies haven't been eliminated or driven away successfully, the Miracle's upgrade will fail and the resources used in the upgrade will be stolen. If the enemies are part of an Alliance, the looted resources will be divided up equally among their members.